Alabama Department of Public Health | Alabama | $5,504,663 |
Alaska Department of Health & Social Services | Alaska | $535,365 |
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, and Kentucky | Alaska | $1,092,911 |
Arizona Family Health Partnership | Arizona | $6,056,377 |
Arkansas Department of Health | Arkansas | $3,996,234 |
Essential Access Health | California | $13,084,368 |
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment | Colorado | $4,164,732 |
Cornell Scott Hill Health Corporation | Connecticut | $647,595 |
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc. | Connecticut | $1,873,444 |
Delaware Health and Social Services | Delaware | $1,124,139 |
Community Health Centers of Pinellas, Inc. | Florida | $379,149 |
Florida Department of Health | Florida | $11,698,312 |
Neighborhood Improvement Project, Inc. | Georgia | $297,372 |
The Family Health Centers of Georgia, Inc. | Georgia | $8,227,292 |
Essential Access Health | Hawaii | $2,081,604 |
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare | Idaho | $1,289,181 |
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, and Kentucky | Idaho | $533,327 |
Aunt Martha's Health and Wellness, Inc. | Illinois | $1,734,670 |
Illinois Department of Public Health | Illinois | $5,352,696 |
Indiana Family Health Council, Inc. | Illinois | $1,485,115 |
Indiana Family Health Council, Inc. | Indiana | $4,561,825 |
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, and Kentucky | Indiana | $537,916 |
Family Planning Council of Iowa | Iowa | $2,198,560 |
Iowa Department of Public Health | Iowa | $1,547,222 |
Kansas Department of Health and Environment | Kansas | $2,549,876 |
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services | Kentucky | $4,920,480 |
Planned Parenthood Great Northwest Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, and Kentucky | Kentucky | $496,225 |
Louisiana Department of Health | Louisiana | $4,757,540 |
Family Planning Association of Maine, Inc. | Maine | $1,908,137 |
Community Clinic, Inc. | Maryland | $1,070,539 |
Maryland Department of Health | Maryland | $3,969,812 |
Action for Boston Community Development, Inc. | Massachusetts | $1,017,423 |
Massachusetts Department of Public Health | Massachusetts | $5,851,422 |
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services | Michigan | $7,533,424 |
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota | Minnesota | $2,854,771 |
Ramsey County | Minnesota | $680,615 |
Converge, Inc. | Mississippi, Tennessee | $8,371,024 |
Missouri Family Health Council, Inc. | Missouri, Oklahoma | $8,499,994 |
Bridgercare dba Montana Family Planning (MFP) | Montana | $2,007,261 |
Family Planning Council of Nebraska | Nebraska | $2,011,731 |
City of Carson City | Nevada | $188,777 |
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services | Nevada | $178,156 |
Nevada Primary Care Association | Nevada | $2,034,074 |
Southern Nevada Health District | Nevada | $1,386,877 |
Washoe County Health District | Nevada | $432,181 |
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services | New Hampshire | $809,490 |
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Inc. | New Hampshire | $498,098 |
New Jersey Family Planning League, Inc | New Jersey | $8,475,102 |
New Mexico Department of Health | New Mexico | $3,144,462 |
New York State Department of Health | New York | $11,705,484 |
Public Health Solutions | New York | $2,716,226 |
North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services | North Carolina | $7,731,672 |
Planned Parenthood South Atlantic | North Carolina | $475,083 |
North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services | North Dakota | $1,062,619 |
Ohio Department of Health | Ohio | $6,977,620 |
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio | Ohio | $1,982,480 |
Caring Hands Healthcare Centers, Inc | Oklahoma | $272,591 |
Community Health Connection, Inc. | Oklahoma | $517,996 |
Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division | Oregon | $3,129,014 |
AccessMatters | Pennsylvania | $5,566,457 |
Adagio Health, Inc. | Pennsylvania | $3,515,403 |
Family Health Council of Central Pennsylvania, Inc. | Pennsylvania | $2,867,786 |
Maternal and Family Health Services, Inc. | Pennsylvania | $1,595,530 |
Rhode Island Department of Health | Rhode Island | $1,139,517 |
Planned Parenthood South Atlantic | South Carolina | $564,987 |
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control | South Carolina | $5,064,999 |
South Dakota Department of Health | South Dakota | $999,517 |
Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning and Preventative Health Services | Texas | $2,293,205 |
Women's Health And Family Planning Association of Texas dba Every Body Texas | Texas | $15,265,096 |
Planned Parenthood Association of Utah | Utah | $2,230,290 |
Vermont Agency of Human Services | Vermont | $832,644 |
Virginia Department of Health | Virginia | $3,421,008 |
Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, Inc. | Virginia, Tennessee | $5,158,254 |
Washington State Department of Health | Washington | $4,513,152 |
Unity Health Care, Inc. | Washington D.C. | $1,351,749 |
Adagio Health, Inc. | West Virginia | $218,073 |
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources | West Virginia | $2,420,438 |
Wisconsin Department of Health Services | Wisconsin | $3,006,490 |
Wyoming Health Council | Wyoming | $970,159 |
American Samoa Medical Center Authority | American Samoa | $321,776 |
Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health and Social Affairs | Federated States of Micronesia | $365,074 |
Guam Department of Public Health & Social Services | Guam | $330,073 |
Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation | Northern Mariana Islands | $199,311 |
Palau Ministry of Health | Palau | $198,248 |
University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus | Puerto Rico | $3,439,027 |
Virgin Islands Department of Health Group | Virgin Islands | $953,459 |