Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) 2.0

Last updated: January 2024

FPAR 2.0 is now live!

OPA is pleased to announce the opening of FPAR 2.0. Grantees are now able to enter calendar year 2023 FPAR data for the 2024 submission.

Key Dates

  • Monday, January 8, 2024 – Start of the 2024 submission period.
  • Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET – FPAR 2.0 data submission webinar for grant recipients. Please check the Grantee Digest or follow up with your Project Officer for additional information about the webinar. A webinar recording will be available on
  • Thursday, February 29, 2024 – Submission deadline (FPAR data due to OPA for review).

A new FPAR 2.0 Sample File is now available. To help grantees report encounter-level data, the file includes the following updates:

  • Revised column names to align with the forthcoming auto-mapping feature that will be available in the FPAR 2.0 system for 2023 FPAR (to be submitted in 2024).
  • Consolidation of previous resources (Encounter-level sample file – XLSX and Lab result sample file – XLSX) into one file. 
  • An example of how to format encounter-level family planning data elements and lab results into a single CSV file (new tab called the “Combined file”).

Please review the Version Log and Instructions tabs of the file for specific details on the column name revisions and instructions on how to use the file. 

New response options for Data Elements 13 and 14 are available for the 2023 FPAR (submission in 2024).

To see the new response options for Data Elements 13 (Insurance Coverage Type) and 14 (Payer for Visit), please refer to the FPAR 2.0 Data Elements with Valid Values (updated September 2023). The Insurance Coverage Mapping Guidance has also been updated to include mapping guidance for the new response options for Data Element 13 (Insurance Coverage Type).

About FPAR 2.0

Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) 2.0 is the next iteration of FPAR data reporting that will collect encounter-level data for Title X family planning service grantees. FPAR 2.0 will allow for improved data collection, reporting, and analysis that will ultimately allow for more opportunities to improve service delivery.

FPAR Resources

Data Elements

An updated Data Element file that includes the newly approved sexual orientation and gender identity elements is posted below. The updated file contains a README tab with guidance for using the file, and a log describing key updates to the data element file posted in March 2022.

Implementation Guide

The Implementation Guide contains important information for grantees, data vendors, and other stakeholders. Specifically, it provides grantees with (1) a brief introduction to FPAR 2.0, (2) general instructions on completing the FPAR, (3) a review of key terms and definitions, (4) guidance on FPAR 2.0 reporting pathways, (5) FPAR 2.0 data requirements, (6) data elements, (7) information on FPAR 2.0 data privacy, and (8) technical assistance resources.

Date updated: May 31, 2023.

Valid Values, Sample Files, and Additional Reporting Guidance

The TA materials listed below provide more reporting guidance, including how data elements from grantee data systems should be mapped to FPAR 2.0 data elements. They also illustrate how to format a flat file when reporting FPAR 2.0 data to OPA.

These documents are geared toward a technical audience.

Document Purpose Date updated

FPAR 2.0 Data Elements with Valid Values - XLSX

A reference file listing all FPAR 2.0 data elements and acceptable values.

September 2023

FPAR 2.0 Sample Files - XLSX

Examples of how to format a CSV file to submit data to the FPAR 2.0 system, depending on the upload option selected. The document is an aggregation of previous resources (Encounter-level sample file – XLSX and Lab result sample file – XLSX), and includes a “combined file” sample. 

December 2023

Encounter-level Data Reporting Guidelines

Guidance for reporting encounter-level data, including file format and data element requirements.

November 2022

Insurance Coverage Mapping Guidance 

Guidance for reporting data element ‘Insurance Coverage Type’, including a description of insurance coverage types and mapping guidance.

September 2023

Data Quality Checks

Overview of data quality checks that are built into FPAR 2.0

December 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ page lists frequently asked questions received through webinars, the Title X conference, and through emails to OPA and TA vendors. This page will be updated frequently and will serve as a resource for grantees and data system vendors.

Technical Assistance

OPA and its contractors will provide comprehensive technical assistance (TA) using a collaborative and coordinated approach to help grantees transition to the new FPAR 2.0 data system. These activities include group and individualized technical assistance to end users of the system via formal trainings, written materials, and other documentation. TA materials and assistance is available to grantees, subrecipients, and EHR vendors. Note, only grantees will have access to submit data, so we encourage ongoing coordination between grantees and their partners.

  • Inquiries regarding the data system, data elements, implementation guide, waiver process, or FAQs can be submitted to the help desk with a cc to your federal project officer.
  • Other TA requests can be submitted to or through the “Request Technical Assistance” option at

Timeline for Transition from FPAR 1.0 to FPAR 2.0

2023: First reporting of FPAR 2.0 data

  • February 21, 2023: FPAR 2.0 system opened to grantees
  • Grantees report calendar year 2022 FPAR 2.0 encounter level or aggregate data based on waiver status
  • Grantees collect FPAR 2.0 data for 2023

2022: Last reporting of FPAR 1.0 data; FPAR 2.0 encounter level data collection starts

2021: OPA and Title X grantees prepare for transition to FPAR 2.0

  • September 2021: OMB clearance received for FPAR 2.0 data collection. OMB control number 0990-0479. Expires 2/28/2025