Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Published 2018

Michigan Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program

Program Description

"What I like most ... is that they’re here to help you. If there's anything you need help with—diapers, classes, school, parenting, anything that involves your child or yourself—they’re there for you."
- MI-APPP participant

The Michigan Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program (MI-APPP) creates an integrated system of care for expectant and parenting adolescents and their families by providing strength-based case management and referrals to support services, such as housing, transportation, and child care. By training existing service providers to better serve young parents, MI-APPP helps communities empower expectant and parenting teens to accomplish their educational, career, and health goals.

  • Population: Expectant and parenting teens (ages 15-19) and their families
  • Locations: Five sites across Michigan, including schools, community service centers, and juvenile detention centers
  • Partners: Berrien County Health Department, Eaton Regional Education Service Agency, Saginaw Intermediate School District, Starfish Family Services, Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency


  1. Strengthen access to and completion of secondary education.
  2. Improve parent and child health outcomes.
  3. Reduce repeat unintended pregnancies.
  4. Build family connections and support networks.


Strength-based case management

Case managers meet with expectant and parenting teens twice a month to assess their strengths and needs, develop an individualized service plan, promote health and safety practices, and refer teens to services that can improve the health of their young families. Case managers incorporate Positive Youth Development (PYD) principles—embracing teens’ strengths and identifying the supports in their families, schools, and communities that can help them make healthy decisions and succeed—throughout the case management process.

Additional support services

In addition to its core program, the Michigan Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program develops and maintains relationships with existing service providers in each community to offer additional services to expectant and parenting teens (including fathers) on specific topics. For example, local credit unions working with MI-APPP developed and offered financial literacy courses specifically for young parents. In another community, MI-APPP worked with local organizations to host “20 and under” parenting groups, providing a comfortable space specifically for young parents to gather and learn together.

Local steering committees

Each program site has a local steering committee consisting of service providers and young parents. The steering committee meets quarterly to discuss resources in the community and how they can best serve expectant and parenting teens. The steering committees offer service providers a chance to hear directly from teens, and give young parents the opportunity to develop leadership skills and provide input on the need for additional support services. Steering committees also host celebrations to acknowledge the accomplishments of young parents.

Stats at a Glance

Participant improvement after 6 months of MI-APPP case management:

  • 46% of unenrolled school-eligible participants had re-enrolled in school
  • 39% showed increased strength of support systems
  • 34% showed increased planning and decision-making abilities
  • 31% showed increased self-esteem and optimism

In Focus: Acacia’s Story

Acacia receives her degreeWith MI-APPP’s help, Acacia became the first member of her family to receive her high school diploma. Her case manager visited on the last day of school and found Acacia overjoyed at her own success, motivation, and determination. Acacia told her case manager: “I could have given up, and some days wanted to, but I’m glad I had people [like you] motivating me and believing in me. I want my daughter to be proud of me.”

Grantee Information

Hillary (Turner) Brandon
MI-APPP Coordinator

Print the full success story here.

About the PAF Program

The Office of Adolescent Health Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) program provides funding to states and tribal entities to improve the health, educational, social, and economic outcomes of expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers, and their families.