Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Learn About the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Group of five adolescents of different genders and complexions smiling for a selfie.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

The HHS Office of Population Affairs (OPA) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program is a national, evidence-based grant program that funds diverse organizations working to prevent teen pregnancy across the United States. OPA invests in the implementation of effective TPP programs and provides funding to develop and evaluate new and innovative approaches to prevent teen pregnancy, prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents, and promote positive youth development.

  • About the TPP Program: Learn more about the evidence-based TPP grant program.
  • TPP Grant Recipients: Learn about current and past TPP grant recipients, including information about program locations and services provided.
  • TPP Successful Strategies: Read profiles of TPP grant recipients to discover how they are changing the lives of young people across the country.
  • Key Resources for TPP Grant Recipients: Find resources to strengthen programs that prevent teen pregnancy.
  • TPP Innovation Grants Show Positive Results: Explore evaluation results from TPP Tier 2 grant recipients that provide new evidence on strategies, populations, and settings for teen pregnancy prevention programming.
  • TPP Performance Measures: See TPP grant recipients' performance measures, which OPA uses to demonstrate whether grant recipients are making progress toward their missions and are serving the public interest.