Youth Create! 2023

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) opened the Youth Create! call to young people ages 13 to 21 who currently participate or have participated in OPA’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) and Title X programs as part of its youth engagement efforts. It has become an annual invitation for young people served by OPA’s programs to share their thoughts and experiences about health and being an adolescent today. The Youth Create! 2023 call was the first year where youth suggested the prompts they would like to answer. Youth input led to the following prompts for 2023 participants: 

  • How do you care for yourself during tough times? And how can adults support you?
  • Spotlight something about or in your community that is important to you. 
  • What is something that you have come to cherish or value more in the last few years?
  • What does a healthy future mean to you and others your age? 

Submissions in the gallery below reflect the diversity of young people in the United States and U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States and encompass a variety of media, including poetry, fine and digital art, videos, and original songs. All submissions are largely in their original form to retain the youth’s authentic voice. A sampling of the submissions can also be viewed in the compilation video.

Tough Times We Experience

Ways We Care for Ourselves

People, Places, & Communities We Cherish and Value

Our Healthy Future