How to Use These Resources
Take Action for Adolescents ‒ A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being aims to ensure that all adolescents in the United States have the safety, support, and resources they need to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. Use these sample posts to share Take Action for Adolescents on your social media platforms.
- Shareable Images
- Overview
- Call to Action Goals
- Talk about the Take Action for Adolescents Goals
- Everyone Plays a Role
Shareable Images
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Partners and allies can post or adapt the following promotional language to support their efforts to talk about adolescent health and Take Action for Adolescents.
X/Twitter/Threads Posts
#TakeActionForAdolescents is designed to motivate, energize, and inspire adults who support adolescents. Learn more about #HHSPopAffairs’ call to action and how to get involved.
Learn how to use #TakeActionForAdolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being and the Take Action Toolkit to form partnerships and provide resources to help adolescents thrive.
LinkedIn/Facebook Posts
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being acknowledges the varied experiences of young people ages 10-24 and shares a vision of how communities can come together to help adolescents thrive. You can use the call to action to work collaboratively for change that benefits young people. Learn more about Take Action for Adolescents™ and explore the action steps and the Take Action Toolkit.
Newsletter Blurb
Now available: Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being acknowledges the varied experiences of young people ages 10-24 and shares a vision of how communities can come together to help adolescents thrive. Take Action for Adolescents aims to foster collaboration by motivating, energizing, and inspiring adults who support adolescents. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescents™, subscribe to OPA’s newsletter. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more info and resources on adolescent health and sexual and reproductive health topics.
Call to Action Goals
X/Twitter/Threads Posts
#TakeActionForAdolescents outlines eight goals and initial action steps that can help create coordinated systems, services, and supports that young people need to thrive. Learn more about these goals and action steps from #HHSPopAffairs.
#HHSPopAffairs’ #TakeActionForAdolescents strives to work toward eliminating disparities to advance #HealthForAll, ensuring all adolescents in the U.S. have the opportunity and resources to realize their full potential.
One goal of #TakeActionForAdolescents is to increase youth agency and engagement. The call to action, initiated by #HHSPopAffairs and their partners, seeks to empower young people to make positive decisions about their health and well-being. #MentalHealth
#TakeActionForAdolescents emphasizes ensuring safe and supportive environments as key for building community and connectedness, especially given the disruption, isolation, and loss caused by the #COVID19 pandemic. Learn more from #HHSPopAffairs.
Through coordination and collaboration across systems, young people and adults who support them can maximize resources to promote health and well-being. #TakeActionForAdolescents
The #HHSPopAffairs’ #TakeActionForAdolescents calls for integrated health care delivery systems and centering of adolescents’ needs.
#TakeActionForAdolescents highlights the need to improve access to preventive health care and human services for young people. Innovations like telehealth can inspire creative problem-solving and a continued commitment to expanding access. #HHSPopAffairs
#HHSPopAffairs’ #TakeActionForAdolescents highlights the need for high-quality information, training, and support for adults working with adolescents. Learn more from OPA about promoting adolescent health.
Young people need accurate messages from trusted sources to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. #HHSPopAffairs has more info about including adolescents in health literacy initiatives. #TakeActionForAdolescents
#TakeActionForAdolescents by #HHSPopAffairs highlights the importance of intentional efforts to support, translate, and disseminate research on the health and well-being of all adolescents.
LinkedIn/Facebook Posts
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being and associated Take Action Toolkit outlines eight goals and initial action steps that can help create coordinated systems, services, and supports that young people need to thrive. The call to action synthesizes research and experiences of young people, youth-serving professionals, parents, policy makers, and others who support youth. Take Action for Adolescents™ aims to work toward eliminating disparities and advancing health for all to ensure all adolescents in the U.S. have what they need to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential.
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being is for all of us. The goals and action steps in the call to action are designed to inspire individuals and organizations to develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems that impact young people, and identify policies and programs that help young people thrive. Learn more about Take Action for Adolescents™ and explore the goals and initial action steps.
Newsletter Blurb
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being outlines eight essential goals for action
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being outlines eight goals and initial action steps that can help create coordinated systems, services, and supports that young people need to thrive. The call to action aims to advance health for all, ensuring all adolescents in the U.S. have the safety, support, and resources to realize their full potential. Take Action for Adolescents is designed to inspire individuals and organizations to develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems, and identify policies and programs that support young people. Stay up to date with the Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) Take Action for Adolescents™ and subscribe to OPA’s newsletter. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more info and resources on adolescent health and sexual and reproductive health topics.
Talk about the Take Action for Adolescents Goals
X/Twitter/Threads Posts
#TakeActionForAdolescents outlines eight goals that will help all adolescents have the safety, support, and resources to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. #HHSPopAffairs
Ensure U.S. adolescents have what they need to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. Visit the #HHSPopAffairs website to explore #TakeActionForAdolescents and the Take Action Toolkit to learn how to get involved.
Every young person should be able to achieve good health. #HHSPopAffairs’ #TakeActionForAdolescents aims to advance health for all by reducing disparities, addressing life-long social factors that impact well-being, and providing opportunities.
Increasing youth agency & engagement is a valuable step in building young people’s ability to become independent adults. #TakeActionForAdolescents highlights the importance of involving youth in co-creating programs, services, & policies. #HHSPopAffairs
Providing young people with safe and supportive physical, mental, and emotional environments in all areas of their lives is key to reducing stress and improving health and well-being. Learn more in #HHSPopAffairs’ #TakeActionForAdolescents.
#TakeActionForAdolescents aims to address the connected physical, behavioral, social, and environmental parts of a young person’s life. It focuses on coordination across systems and benefits both providers and youth. #HHSPopAffairs
Access to health and human services makes it easier to identify and address needs before they become bigger problems in adulthood. Explore #TakeActionForAdolescents for more information. #HHSPopAffairs
Adolescence is a big adjustment for youth and the caring adults in their lives. #TakeActionForAdolescents shows how offering high-quality information, training, & support to these adults benefits young people. #HHSPopAffairs
Empowered young people make good decisions, advocate for themselves, and navigate complicated health care and human services. Review #TakeActionForAdolescents for strategies that fit your community. #HHSPopAffairs
Supporting, translating, and disseminating research and data on adolescent health and well-being is key to advancing policies, programs, and practices. Learn more from #TakeActionForAdolescents. #HHSPopAffairs
LinkedIn/Facebook Posts
The HHS Office of Population Affairs' (OPA) Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being outlines eight goals to advance the vision that all adolescents in the U.S. have the safety, support, and resources to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. These goals can guide organizations in highlighting ways to improve collaboration and coordination with allies and partners in their communities. Visit OPA’s website to learn more about the goals and action steps.
Part of the vision outlined by Take Action for Adolescents™ is that every young person can attain a state of good health and well-being, regardless of their circumstances. The call to action aims to achieve health for all by eradicating systemic disparities, addressing social factors that affect adolescents across their lifespan, and ensuring all youth can be healthy. Take Action for Adolescents provides example action steps that you can use in your community.
Increasing youth agency and engagement involves providing young people with age-appropriate opportunities to advocate for their needs. This builds their capacity and boosts their confidence on their journey toward becoming independent adults. Take Action for Adolescents™ supports the creation of better programs to improve fairness by shifting power to the people directly impacted by the systems. Young people know what they need and can be powerful advocates for their rights and individual decisions. Involving youth in co-creating programs and policies can help build their confidence, competence, and leadership skills while providing opportunities to improve their own health and the health of their peers.
All young people need safe and supportive physical, mental, and emotional environments where they live, go to school, work, and play. Adolescents, especially those at younger ages, have limited ability to choose their environments. For this reason, considering all aspects of someone’s natural, built, physical, and emotional environments is important. This is especially critical for young people who face environmental challenges like crime, violence, abuse, and trauma, among others. Learn more about The HHS Office of Population Affairs' Take Action for Adolescents™ and explore how to customize the action steps to fit the unique needs of your community.
Adolescents have multiple needs and require different supports to be healthy. Take Action for Adolescents™ takes a whole-person approach that aims to address the physical, behavioral, social, and environmental aspects of a young person’s life and how those aspects are connected. Coordination and collaboration across systems benefits both youth and service providers. Visit the goals and associated action steps to find ways to increase collaboration in your area.
Having access to health care and needed human services supports adolescents’ health now and can help them grow into healthy adults. Improving access to preventive health care services requires collaboration and alignment of activities across federal, state, tribal, local, and territorial governments and among youth-serving providers and organizations. Coordinated care and services can lead to informed adolescent decision making, decrease adverse health outcomes in adulthood, and improve quality of life as adults. Learn how you can showcase your efforts and provide access to improved health care and human services for adolescents from the HHS Office of Population Affairs' Take Action for Adolescents™.
Supportive and caring adults are critical for adolescent well-being. Caring adults can include parents, legal representatives, and caregivers who make sure adolescents are healthy and safe, equip them with the skills and resources to succeed as adults, and instill cultural values. Take Action for Adolescents™ outlines the need for increased knowledge and skills for these key adults through training, as well as ensuring that they have the time, bandwidth, and backing to be able to put that knowledge to use. When adults have the support, information, and skills they need, they are better equipped to understand young people’s concerns and work with them to make informed decisions that will help them thrive. The HHS Office of Population Affairs call to action can help inspire you to share your successes as well as customize action steps to work for caring adults in your area.
Access to health information and improved health literacy can empower young people to make good decisions, advocate for themselves, and navigate complicated health care and human services. Young people need to understand how their bodies work as well as how specific behaviors can affect their health now and into the future. They also need knowledge and skills to understand and navigate the many complex systems that provide support. Download the Take Action for Adolescents™ call to action to determine which action steps might work in your community.
It is important to support, translate, and disseminate research and data on adolescent health and well-being to advance policies, programs, and practices. It is especially important to build understanding of topics where youth have had limited participation in research and/or have been underserved by health care and human services systems. Closing research gaps is essential to a national, data-driven effort to advance adolescent health and well-being. Follow along with Take Action for Adolescents™ to access resources related to this effort.
Newsletter Blurbs
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being - eight goals to support all U.S. adolescents
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being acknowledges the varied experiences of young people ages 10-24 and shares a vision of how communities can come together to help adolescents thrive. The call to action synthesizes research and experiences of young people, youth-serving professionals, parents, policy makers, and other adults who support youth. Take Action for Adolescents aims to foster collaboration by motivating, energizing, and inspiring caring adults. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescents, subscribe to the Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) newsletter. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more information and resources on adolescent health topics.
Take Action for Adolescents offers customizable action steps for your community
Take Action for Adolescents aims to ensure that all adolescents in the U.S. have the safety, support, and resources to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. Each of the eight goals should serve as a catalyst for organizations to create their own action plans to address the needs of the adolescents they serve. These goals can also guide organizations in thinking about how they already are working to improve adolescent health and well-being. Read more about the goals and download the Take Action Toolkit. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescents, subscribe to the Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) newsletter. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more information and resources on adolescent health topics.
Empower, support, and celebrate U.S. youth today!
Office of Population Affairs (OPA) designed Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being to inspire various individuals and organizations to develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems, and identify policies and programs that support young people and help them thrive. Ensure U.S. adolescents have what they need to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential. Explore and customize the action steps to fit the unique needs of your community. Learn more about and download the Take Action Toolkit. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescents™ and information and resources on adolescent, subscribe to OPA’s newsletter and connect with OPA on LinkedIn.
Eliminate disparities for young people to advance health for all
Part of the vision outlined by the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) in Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being is that every young person can attain a state of good health and well-being, regardless of their circumstances. Currently, many young people experience health disparities and differences in health outcomes that affect specific populations. The Take Action Toolkit provides action steps that you can use in your community to break down silos, achieve health for all, address social factors that affect adolescents across their lifespan, and ensure good health and well-being for all young people. To stay up to date with information and resources, subscribe to OPA’s newsletter and connect with OPA on LinkedIn.
Take action – Increase youth agency and engagement
The Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being provides steps for engaging young people in the co-creation process of programs and policies that affect their lives. The call to action supports youth-serving professionals in providing adolescents with age-appropriate opportunities to use and build their talents and skills to advocate for their needs. This includes giving young people the chance to make decisions, where appropriate, about their own health and the health of their peers. Learn more about Take Action for Adolescents™ and explore the goals and initial action steps by downloading the call to action, subscribing to OPA’s newsletter, and connecting with OPA on LinkedIn.
How do you ensure access to safe and supportive environments for adolescents?
Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being highlights the importance of providing safe and supportive physical, mental, and emotional environments for adolescents to improve their overall health and well-being. The HHS Office of Population Affairs' (OPA) Take Action Toolkit outlines initial action steps that you can tailor to fit the unique needs of your community. For instance, health care and human service organizations can identify opportunities to hire providers and staff—including administrators and receptionists—from the community being served and others with lived experiences relatable to young people. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescents™, subscribe to OPA's newsletter. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more information and resources on adolescent health topics.
Enhance coordination and collaboration across systems to support young people
The HHS Office of Population Affairs' (OPA) Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being takes a whole-person approach to increasing system coordination and collaboration across federal, state, tribal, local, and territorial systems to improve outcomes for young people. Review the Take Action Toolkit for action steps on finding strategies to achieve this, like “no wrong door” policies and strategies for increasing access to coordinated health care and human services to support adolescents in your community. To stay up to date with information and resources, subscribe to OPA’s newsletter and connect with OPA on LinkedIn.
Collaborate and support adolescents’ health today
The Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being highlights the importance of collaboration and coordination among youth-serving professionals and across systems to support adolescents accessing care and services. This requires alignment of activities across government agencies, health and human service providers, and organizations. Coordinated care and services can lead to informed adolescent decision making, decrease adverse health outcomes in adulthood, and improve quality of life as adults. Review the Take Action Toolkit for action steps and expand access to health care and human services. To stay up to date with information and resources, subscribe to OPA’s newsletter and connect with OPA on LinkedIn.
Supportive and caring adults are critical to ensuring adolescents can thrive
The Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being highlights and outlines the importance of adults working together to share and use the best available knowledge to encourage and assist adolescents. When caring adults have the support, information, and skills they need, they are better equipped to understand young people’s concerns and work with them to make informed decisions that will help them thrive. Review the call to action and Take Action Toolkit to help you customize action steps to fit the unique needs of your community. Encourage other adults – including parents, legal guardians, and other caregivers - to join this collaboration by sharing OPA’s social media messages! Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more information and resources on adolescent health topics.
Access to health information and health literacy can empower young people
The Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being highlights the importance of access to health information and improved health literacy, which can empower young people to make good decisions, advocate for themselves, and navigate complicated health care and human services. For this information to be accessible, it needs to be easily understood and easily found by the people it is meant to reach. Adapting and updating existing materials can ensure that information remains accurate and is culturally appropriate to different communities. Download the Take Action for Adolescents™ call to action to determine which action steps might work best in your community. Don’t forget to connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more information and resources on adolescent health topics.
Closing research gaps is essential to advance adolescent health and well-being
The Office of Population Affairs’ (OPA) Take Action For Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being highlights the importance of supporting, translating, and disseminating research and data on adolescent health and well-being to advance policies, programs, and practices. While much research has been done, there is still more to learn about adolescents’ health, their experiences, and which programs are most beneficial for them. Involving young people within research and data collection may help with data accuracy and innovative research methods, improve dissemination, and identify ways to translate research so that it is easily understood. Review the call to action to access resources related to adolescent health research. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescents™ and for more information, subscribe to OPA’s newsletter and connect with OPA on LinkedIn.
Everyone Plays a Role
X/Twitter/Threads Posts
#TakeActionForAdolescents is designed to motivate, energize, and inspire all who support adolescents. Learn more about #HHSPopAffairs’ call to action and how to get involved.
#HHSPopAffairs’ #TakeActionForAdolescents is for all of us. You can customize action steps to fit the unique needs of your community and break down silos to help young people thrive.
Collaboration in #AdolescentHealth is essential. #TakeActionForAdolescents aims to inspire individuals and organizations to collaborate and develop innovative approaches that support all young people. Learn more from #HHSPopAffairs.
Adolescents have wisdom to share. #HHSPopAffairs connected with young people and other experts to develop #TakeActionForAdolescents. The call to action encourages organizations to elevate youth voice in #AdolescentHealth work.
LinkedIn/Facebook Posts
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being is designed to motivate, energize, and inspire all who support adolescents. The Take Action for Adolescents™ goals and action steps can help individuals and organizations develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems, and identify policies and programs that support young people. Learn more about Take Action for Adolescents.
#TakeActionForAdolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being is for all of us. The call to action is designed to inspire various individuals and organizations to develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems, and identify policies and programs that support young people and help them thrive. You can customize the action steps to fit the unique needs of your community. Learn more from the Office of Population Affairs.
Newsletter Blurb
Everyone is invited: Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being
Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being is designed to motivate, energize, and inspire all who support adolescents. Individuals and organizations can use Take Action for Adolescents™ to develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems, and identify policies and programs that help young people thrive. Visit the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) website to explore Take Action for Adolescents and the Take Action Toolkit and get involved. Subscribe to OPA’s newsletter to get the latest updates on Take Action for Adolescents. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more info and resources on adolescent health and sexual and reproductive health topics.
The phrase “Take Action for Adolescents” is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Use of this mark without prior approval by HHS is strictly prohibited.