This section focuses on how adolescents develop and the issues they may face as they mature. Featured resources provide more information on special topics in adolescent health.
- Take Action for Adolescents™: The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) released Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being! The call to action acknowledges the diverse experiences of young people ages 10-24 and prioritizes their health and well-being.
- Youth Create!: See the videos, poems, art, and other submissions to the Youth Create! call for content created by young people who participated in OPA's grant programs.
- Adolescent Development Explained: Check out the OPA Adolescent Development Explained guide for information about the major developmental changes that occur in adolescence and how parents and caring adults can support adolescents.
- Positive Youth Development: Learn about this strengths-based approach to adolescent health, meaningful youth engagement, and key practices for enhancing youth-serving programs.
- National Adolescent Health Month™: OPA’s observance, National Adolescent Health Month, takes place each May. It emphasizes building on young people’s strengths, encourages meaningful youth engagement in adolescent health activities, and highlights key topics in adolescent health.
- Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: Learn about trends in teen pregnancy, strategies and approaches for prevention, and tips for parents and caring adults.
- Healthy Relationships in Adolescence: Learn about how adolescents form safe and healthy relationships with friends, parents, teachers, and romantic partners.
- Mental Health for Adolescents: Learn about common mental health warning signs and disorders among adolescents, disparities in access to mental health services, and treatment resources.
- Substance Use in Adolescence: Get information and resources about adolescent substance use and ways to prevent it.
- Physical Health in Developing Adolescents: Learn about the importance of clinical preventive services, how adolescents can be involved in their health care, and healthy behaviors for adolescents.
- Adolescent Health Data: Check out interactive tools that allow users to explore publicly available federal data on the demographic and health characteristics of adolescents in the United States.