Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches Study

The Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches (PPA) is an experimental study focused on assessing the implementation and impacts of innovative strategies and untested approaches for preventing teenage pregnancy. It is funded by Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), now merged with the Office of Population Affairs (OPA).

Key Question

Was the program at each site successful at reducing teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or associated sexual risk behaviors?

Study Findings

Three OAH TPP Research and Demonstration grantees (Tier 2), three ACYF Personal Responsibility Education Program Innovative Strategies (PREIS) grantees, and one non-federally funded program are included in this evaluation. Implementation reports for all seven program models and impact reports for the six sites that participated in rigorous impact studies are available below. The contractor is Mathematica Policy Research.

To learn about the study, please see the executive summary or full report for the design of the PPA impact study. A fact sheet presents an overview of the findings from the study.

AIM 4 Teen Moms, Los Angeles, California

Gen.M, Travis County, Texas

HealthTeacher, Chicago, Illinois

POWER Through Choices, Oklahoma, California, and Maryland

Teen Options to Prevent Pregnancy (T.O.P.P.), Columbus, Ohio

Teen PEP, Princeton, New Jersey

WAIT Training, Tallahassee, Florida