Take Action for Adolescents - Resources Organized by Goal

This page provides a selection of resources, primarily from federal government sources,* organized by the eight Take Action for Adolescents goals. This list is an updated version of the resource list in the Take Action Toolkit and is not intended to be exhaustive. Many resources are relevant to multiple goals and can also be useful starting points to find other information from the author agency or organization. We encourage you to explore, and learn more about each of the goals:

* Non-federal government resources included in this list, indicated by the icon for external link icon, are select resources from organizations that partner with and/or are funded by federal agencies. 

Goal 1: Eliminate disparities to advance health equity

Goal 2: Increase youth agency and youth engagement

Goal 3: Ensure access to safe and supportive environments

Goal 4: Increase coordination and collaboration within and across systems

Goal 5: Expand access to health care and human services

Goal 6: Strengthen training and support for caring adults

Goal 7: Improve health information and health literacy

Goal 8: Support, translate, and disseminate research