OPA Publications

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) publishes reports and briefs from program implementation and impact evaluations as well as economic evaluations. Publications in development or produced before June 2019 were authored by the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH).

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Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Publications

TPP Cross-Site Evaluations

The TPP18 and TPP19 cross-site evaluations was a three-year external study designed to understand the lessons learned from the 14 organizations awarded two-year TPP Phase 1 Tier 2 grants in 2018, and the 29 organizations awarded two-year TPP Phase 1 Tier 1 grants in 2019. The cross-site study had goals to (1) document the process that grantees followed to get their programs and staff ready to implement their programs and (2) identify lessons to help future grantees ensure their programs are ready and appropriate to implement in their communities. The research team examined the readiness of the program model, the readiness of the organization implementing the program, and capacity to gather evidence to support implementation and evaluation in the local context. Read about the study design, data sources, and results on the TPP Cross-Site Evaluations page.

TPP Implementation Study Findings

TPP Replication Study Findings

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study (2010-2015) was an experimental study that examined the implementation and impact of three replications of three evidence-based program models: Reducing the Risk, ¡Cuídate!, and Safer Sex. The study examined whether program models that were commonly chosen by TPP grantees and widely used in the field could achieve impacts with different populations and settings. Read the study overview, design reports, site profiles, and findings briefs and reports on the TPP Replication Study page.

Sustainability Study of Former TPP Programs Results

The Sustainability Study of Former TPP Programs (2015-2018) examined how former TPP programs funded by OAH (now OPA) sustained their work after federal funding ended. The study focused on a total of 71 former grantees who were not awarded renewed funding in the TPP program and PAF program. Get lessons learned and case study reports on the Sustainability Study of Former TPP Programs page.

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches Study

The Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches study (2008-2016) was an experimental study that assessed the implementation and impact of seven innovative strategies and untested approaches for preventing teenage pregnancy. There are three TPP Research and Demonstration grantees (Tier 2), three ACYF Personal Responsibility Education Program Innovative Strategies (PREIS) grantees, and one non-federally funded program included in the evaluation. Read the site implementation and impact reports as well as a final report and fact sheet on the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Approaches Study page.

Meta-Analysis of Federally Funded TPP Programs

The Meta-Analysis of Federally Funded TPP Programs (2015-2019) looked at findings from over 40 studies to learn about teen pregnancy prevention from federally-funded programs that have already been evaluated. The study provided a look at what existing evaluations suggest about how the types of programs, the ways they do their work, and the participants they draw work together to reduce teen pregnancy. Get the project description, design and analysis plan, research brief, final report, and technical supplement on the Meta-Analysis of Federally Funded TPP Programs page.

FY2010-2014 Program Evaluation Reports

The Fiscal Year 2010-2014 TPP grant types that were rigorously evaluated were (1) replications of evidence-based programs to prevent teen pregnancy and/or associated sexual risk behaviors; and (2) new and innovative programs to prevent teen pregnancy. Study designs included random assignment and high-quality quasi-experimental evaluations. Read the program evaluation reports on the Grantee Evaluations FY2010-2014 page.

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Expectant and Parenting Youth Publications

OAH, which merged with OPA in 2019, led evaluations of programs designed to support expectant and parenting youth. For reports from evaluation and sustainability studies, see the Pregnancy Assistance Fund Program Evaluations section.