Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grant Recipients

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program is a national, evidence-based program that provides funding to implement effective programs and develop, test, and evaluate innovative approaches to prevent teen pregnancy across the United States. The TPP program was established in 2010 with a Congressional mandate to fund medically accurate and age appropriate programs to reduce teen pregnancy. With an annual budget of approximately $101 million, the TPP program focuses on reaching populations with the greatest need with the goal of improving the optimal health of adolescents and reducing teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

These grant recipients are working to support replication of evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs in communities with the greatest need; increase capacity in communities to serve vulnerable youth, including homeless youth, parenting youth and those in juvenile detention and foster care; fill gaps in the knowledge of what works to prevent teen pregnancy; and test new, innovative approaches to combating teen pregnancy.

Learn about current and past TPP grant recipients, including information about program locations and services provided.