Teen Pregnancy Prevention Performance Measures

Performance measures are critical for accountability purposes. The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) uses performance measures to demonstrate whether grant projects are making sufficient progress toward their stated missions and are serving the public interest. Performance measures are also critical for continuous quality improvement, informing stakeholders of progress and sustainability efforts. OPA expects all grant recipients to collect and report on a common set of performance measures to assess the implementation of the intervention. The broad categories of the measures include reach, dosage, fidelity and quality, partnerships, training, and dissemination.

Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-2019 and FY 2018-2020 Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program grant recipients report performance measures at the grant recipient and implementing organization levels. Grantee-level measures are completed at the grant recipient or sub-recipient level and relate to the project as a whole. Implementing organization-level measures are reported by the program implementers and relate to the overall project. Walter R. McDonald & Associates (WRMA) and Mathematica Policy Research provide grant recipients with database development, support, and technical assistance.