Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR)

Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to supporting the delivery of family planning and related preventive health services for all people. Title X providers ensure quality service delivery consistent with nationally recognized standards of care.

The Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR) 2023 National Summary* presents data from grant recipients in the Title X family planning program and is used to monitor and report program performance. Title X clinics play a critical role in providing affordable family planning and preventive health services to clients in families with low incomes and those without private insurance. In 2023, Title X continued to rebuild the network and provide services to diverse clients nationwide.

* Pending final review for Section 508 compliance. For immediate assistance, please contact

Key FPAR 2023 National Summary findings

  • Title X provided services to 2.8 million clients in 2023, a 7% increase from 2022.
  • Title X continued to play a fundamental role in providing affordable family planning and preventive health services nationwide to clients in families with low incomes.
  • Title X providers leveraged additional public and private funding sources to deliver services.
  • Title X grant recipients provided care to a diverse group of clients.
  • The Title X program provided clients access to a wide range of contraceptive methods to meet individual needs and allow clients to choose the method that works best for them.
  • Title X was an essential resource for STI and HIV testing and cancer screening.

About the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR)

Annual submission of the FPAR is required of all Title X family planning services grant recipients for purposes of monitoring and reporting program performance. FPAR data are presented in summary form, which protects the confidentiality of individuals who receive Title X-funded services.

This annual reporting requirement is for family planning services delivery projects authorized and funded under the Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs (Section 1001 of Title X of the Public Health Service Act, 42 United States Code [USC] 300; 42 CFR Part 59).

Information from the FPAR is important to OPA for several reasons:

  • FPAR data are used to monitor compliance with statutory requirements, regulations, and operational guidance.
  • OPA uses FPAR data to comply with accountability and federal performance requirements for Title X family planning funds as required by the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).
  • The program relies on FPAR data to monitor performance, guide strategic and financial planning, and to respond to inquiries from policymakers and Congress about the program. For more background and a listing of past FPARs, please see Family Planning Annual Reports.