PAF Evaluation Studies

The Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) Evaluation evaluated programs for expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers and their families. Started in 2013, the evaluation was comprised of two components: 1) a broad, descriptive study documenting the design and implementation across the 17 FY2014 Pregnancy Assistance Fund Program grantees and 2) rigorous implementation and impact studies of three programs for expectant and parenting youth and their families. Two programs were evaluated with randomized controlled trials collecting individual-level survey data, and the third program was evaluated through a state-of-the-art, quasi-experimental design. The contractor was Mathematica Policy Research.

  • A descriptive study report provides more information about the design and implementation of these programs
  • This fact sheet describes the three programs that were rigorously evaluated

Adolescent Family Life Program with Positive Youth Development in California

Healthy Families Healthy Futures in Houston, Texas

New Heights Program in Washington, D.C.


The Pregnancy Assistance Fund: Launching Programs to Support Expectant and Parenting Youth
Slides, Audio, Transcript