Youth Create! 2022

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) opened the Youth Create! call to young people ages 13 to 21 who currently participate or have participated in OPA’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) programs. Youth Create! 2022 focused on youth expression and how adults can support them. Youth across the country responded to the prompts below.

  • One thing I wish adults listened to me and my friends about is…
  • What is a time that you really felt heard and it made a difference in your life and/or the lives of others your age?
  • Who or what has helped you feel able to speak up for yourself or on behalf of others your age?

The gallery below shares young people’s responses, which ranged from original poems, essays, artwork, and videos. All submissions are largely in their original form to retain the youth’s authentic voice. Only video background music was changed to adhere to copyright laws.