Teen Pregnancy Prevention Successful Strategies

Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program grant recipients are changing the lives of young people around the nation. The TPP Successful Strategies present profiles of these ground-level change agents and highlights of the important work they are doing.


Arizona Youth Partnership
FY18-19: Starting Out Right for Teen Parents (SORTP) (Print)


City of Hartford
FY15-19: Hartford Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (HTPPI) (Print)


Trinity Church Plan Be____
FY15-19: Trinity Church Plan Be____ Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (Print)


Health Care Education and Training (HCET)
FY15-19: The HCET Clinton County Youth RISE! Project (Print)


The Policy & Research Group
FY15-19: Practice Self-Regulation™ (Print)


Johns Hopkins University
FY15-19: Respecting the Circle of Life: Mind, Body and Spirit (Print)


Kent Intermediate School District
FY18-19: SkillFlixTM for Parents (Print)


Delta Health Alliance
FY15-19: Delta Health Alliance: Delta Futures Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (Print)


Better Family Life, Inc.
FY15-19: Better Family Life Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (Print)

New York

New York University
FY15-19: Fathers Raising Responsible Men (Print)

North Carolina

Children’s Home Society of North Carolina
FY15-19: Wise Guys (Print)


Thrive: Sexual Health Collective for Youth
FY18-19: Central Oklahoma Teen Pregnancy Prevention Collaboration (Print)

Youth Services of Tulsa
FY15-19: Youth Services of Tulsa—Tulsa Area Teen Pregnancy Prevention Collaborative (Print)


Northwest Family Services
FY18-19: Deceptions Program (Print)

FY15-19: Healthy U (Print)


Public Health Management Corporation
FY15-19: Promoting Awareness through Live Movement and Sound – Teen Pregnancy Prevention (Print)

Republic of the Marshall Islands

Youth to Youth in Health, Inc.
FY15-19: Youth to Youth in Health, Inc.: Republic of Marshall Islands Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project (Print)

South Carolina

Mary Black Foundation
FY15-19: The Mary Black Foundation's Connect Initiative to Reduce Teen Pregnancy (Print)

South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
FY15-19: Accelerating Progress—Strengthening Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives Among High-Need SC Populations (Print)


Healthy Futures of Texas
FY15-19: Big Decisions (Print)

FY15-19: Gender Matters: Changing Teen’s Perspective on Gender Roles and Working to Decrease Teen Pregnancy in Travis County, Texas (Print)

Texas A&M University
FY15-19: Innovative Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs (iTP3) (Print)

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
FY15-19: University of Texas-San Antonio Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives (Print)

West Virginia

Mission West Virginia
FY15-19: Mission West Virginia's Teaching Health Instead of Nagging Kids (THINK) (Print)