Now Available! Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being

Take Action for Adolescents ‒ A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being

Explore the New Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) released Take Action for Adolescents A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being. This Call to Action acknowledges the diverse experiences of young people ages 10-24 and shares a vision of how communities can come together to help adolescents thrive. It synthesizes research and experiences of young people, youth-serving professionals, parents, and policy makers, and aims to foster collaboration among all who support adolescents. Read HHS' Statement about Take Action for Adolescents.


What is the Call to Action?

Many adolescents in the U.S. face challenges in obtaining the health care and services they need to thrive, be healthy, and realize their full potential.

Take Action for Adolescents is a call to action for adults, including policy makers, health care and human service providers and organizations, youth-serving professionals and organizations, researchers, parents, legal representatives, and caregivers to work collaboratively for change that benefits young people. It outlines initial action steps that can be customized to help achieve each of the goals. The Call to Action and accompanying Take Action Toolkit include examples of federal programs and resources that support adolescent health and well-being.

The goals and action steps in Take Action for Adolescents are designed to inspire individuals and organizations to develop innovative approaches that break down silos, improve systems that impact young people, and identify policies and programs that support young people and help them thrive. These types of investments in adolescent health and well-being can generate a “triple dividend”: health for adolescents now, a healthy adult life, and better health for the next generation.

Explore the Call to Action and Toolkit

The Goals of Take Action for Adolescents

The Call to Action outlines eight goals and initial action steps that can help create the coordinated systems, services, and supports that young people need to thrive:

  1. Eliminate disparities to advance health equity
  2. Increase youth agency and youth engagement
  3. Ensure access to safe and supportive environments
  4. Increase coordination and collaboration within and across systems
  5. Expand access to health care and human services
  6. Strengthen training and support for caring adults
  7. Improve health information and health literacy
  8. Support, translate, and disseminate research

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Take Action for Adolescents for?

Take Action for Adolescents is designed to motivate, energize, and inspire anyone who has a role in providing adolescents with the safety, support, and resources they need to thrive during the transition to adulthood. It offers suggestions for policy makers, health care and human service providers and organizations, youth-serving professionals and organizations, parents, legal representatives, caregivers, and researchers. While there are no action steps for adolescents, young people can use Take Action for Adolescents and the Take Action Toolkit to collaborate with other youth and adults in their communities.

The action steps included in the Call to Action are a starting point; they can be tailored and expanded to reflect the needs and priorities of local communities and people who are historically underserved by health care and human services systems. The Call to Action is designed to be a catalyst for allies and partners to create their own strategies to address the needs of the adolescents they serve. The Take Action Toolkit will facilitate that process.

Who participated in the development of Take Action for Adolescents?

Take Action for Adolescents is the result of extensive collaboration and input from a diverse group of allies and partners. The HHS Office of Population Affairs (OPA) worked closely with numerous federal partners through the federal Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP) and its subgroup, the Adolescent Health Action Team. OPA also convened non-governmental allies and partners including researchers, clinicians, state policy staff, advocates, parents and caregivers, as well as community-based, faith-based, and other youth-serving professionals, along with a diverse group of young people who work with adolescent-focused organizations across the U.S. OPA prioritized the voices of young people from the beginning of the process and compensated them for their time. 

Review more FAQs on the OPA Website

Spread the Word with These Posts

All who support adolescents—including policy makers, researchers, healthcare and human service providers and organizations, other youth-serving professionals and organizations, parents, and other caregivers—are encouraged to use Take Action for Adolescents and get involved.

Help promote Take Action for Adolescents A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being with your networks by using the following social media posts:


  • #TakeActionForAdolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being by @HHSPopAffairs is now live! This Call to Action acknowledges the diverse experiences of young people ages 10-24.
  • #TakeActionForAdolescents is designed to motivate, energize, and inspire adults who support adolescents. Learn more about @HHSPopAffairs’ Call to Action and how to get involved.
  • #TakeActionForAdolescents outlines eight goals and initial action steps that can help create coordinated systems, services, and supports that young people need to thrive. Learn more about these goals and action steps from @HHSPopAffairs.


The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) has released the Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-BeingTake Action for Adolescents acknowledges the diverse experiences of young people ages 10-24 and shares a vision of how communities can come together to help adolescents thrive. The Call to Action synthesizes research and experiences of young people, youth-serving professionals, parents, policy makers, and others who support youth. All who support adolescents are encouraged to use the Call to Action to work collaboratively for change that benefits young people. Learn more about Take Action for Adolescents and explore the action steps.

Newsletter blurb

Subject Line: Now available: Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-Being

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) has released Take Action for Adolescents – A Call to Action for Adolescent Health and Well-BeingTake Action for Adolescents acknowledges the diverse experiences of young people ages 10-24 and shares a vision of how communities can come together to help adolescents thrive. The Call to Action synthesizes research and experiences of young people, youth-serving professionals, parents, policy makers, and other adults who support youth. Take Action for Adolescents aims to foster collaboration by motivating, energizing, and inspiring adults who support adolescents. To stay up to date with Take Action for Adolescentssubscribe to OPA’s newsletter. Also, connect with OPA on LinkedIn for more info and resources on adolescent health and sexual and reproductive health topics.

Sample Take Action Graphics: 

Take Action for Adolescents Social Media graphic 1  social-taa-rectangle