Know Your Reproductive Rights and How to Access Reproductive Health Care

Published November 2022

Reproductive health care, including access to birth control, is an essential part of health and well-being. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is committed to providing accurate and up to date resources about access to and insurance coverage for reproductive health care. This website has information on birth control, medication, abortion services, and other preventive health services, as well as important facts about privacy, rights associated with reproductive health care, and how people with and without health insurance can obtain reproductive health care.

Clinician and client in talking in clinic. Text: Learn how to access reproductive health care,

Most health insurance plans—whether you have public (e.g., Medicaid) or private health coverage (e.g., coverage through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace or through your employer)—cover family planning counseling, birth control, and other preventive services with no out-of-pocket cost. Go to to learn about your rights and low or no cost options for reproductive health care services.

Visit for more information.

What should you do if you do not have health insurance coverage?

  • Go to to see if you qualify for coverage.
  • Title X Family Planning Clinics provide a broad range of family planning services and provide preventive health services that benefit reproductive health, such as STI and HIV testing, HIV counseling, cervical and breast cancer screening, and HPV vaccines. Services are provided regardless of patients’ ability to pay and clinics charge for services on a sliding fee scale.
  • Health centers are community-based organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services, regardless of patients’ ability to pay, and charge for services on a sliding fee scale.
  • The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program helps low-income people with HIV receive medical care, medications, and essential support services to help them stay in care.

Locate a Title X family planning clinic near you

More than 3,200 Title X family planning clinics in the United States deliver the highest national standards of care to clients across all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and eight U.S. territories and freely associated states. These public and private nonprofit health and community-based clinics provide access to a broad range of family planning services, including contraceptive education, counseling, and methods. In addition to birth control, Title X clinics also provide essential preventive health services like STI testing, HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening, and more. These confidential services are provided for free or at low-cost to anyone who needs services and are available for all who want and need them.

Title X services are voluntary, confidential, and provided regardless of one’s ability to pay. For many clients, the Title X clinic is their only ongoing source of health care and health education. To find services in your area, use OPA’s Family Planning Clinic Locator. Type in a ZIP Code or city into the search bar and the Family Planning Clinic Locator will pull up clinics within a 50-mile radius. You also can search for “telehealth” and “mobile clinic” locations to find virtual and convenient service providers.

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Explore OPA's reproductive health resources

OPA also has reproductive health resources, including information on adolescent reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections, and contraception. Explore the following resources for more information on sexual and reproductive health.

Spread the word with these posts

  • The #ReproductiveHealth care you need is available. Learn about your rights, health insurance coverage, and where care is available. #KnowYourReproductiveRights
  • Title X clinics, funded by @HHSPopAffairs, provide a broad range of confidential family planning services and preventive health services, such as STI and HIV testing. Find a #TitleX clinic near you. #ReproductiveHealth #KnowYourReproductiveRights
  • #TitleX clinics offer a broad range of effective and medically safe contraceptive methods. Locate a Title X Clinic to access free or low-cost services. Some clinics also offer telehealth @HHSPopAffairs #KnowYourReproductiveRights
  • Most health insurance covers confidential family planning counseling, birth control, and other preventive services at low or no cost to you. @HHSPopAffairs’ Title X Clinics offer contraceptive education, counseling, and more. #KnowYourReproductiveRights