PRO Youth and Families, Inc.

Sacramento, California

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and Services (TPP23 Tier 1) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $1,265,668

Program Summary

Project Name: PRO Youth and Families' (PRO) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) 2023 (The Project)

Project Overview: PRO Youth & Families’ (PRO) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) 2023 (The Project), will bring together a network of organizations to expand and implement proven, evidence-based programs to communities experiencing the greatest health disparities and youth most at-risk for negative sexual risk behaviors in the Greater Sacramento Region. The Project will empower youth as change agents to promote wellness for themselves, peers, families, and community. PRO has used a similar strategy for three years and has seen promising results.

Youth will be engaged in five implementation settings: in-school, after-school, residential care, juvenile detention centers, and community-based settings. The Project will integrate service-learning projects and other youth engagement strategies to engage youth voice and action in Project design, implementation, and monitoring. The Project will also seek to engage caregivers, trusted adults, and the greater community, in promoting positive youth development and sexual and reproductive health.

Community(ies) Served: Sacramento region, 19 zip codes identified as “communities of concern” by the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessments

Target Population: Youth aged 11-24 in the Greater Sacramento Region

Geographic Area Served (Urbanicity of Community): Greater Sacramento Region, CA (Urban)

Average Anticipated Number of Youth Served Annually: 1,338

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