National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Washington, District of Columbia

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Rigorous Evaluation Cooperative Agreements (TPP23 Tier 2) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $910,000

Program Summary

Intervention Name: Let’s Talk Birth Control 

Project Overview: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (Power to Decide) will evaluate the Let’s Talk Birth Control (Let’s Talk) intervention. Let’s Talk is a clinical decision support intervention that addresses adolescents and providers and includes in-person and online delivery components. The three components of the program are 1) a printed contraceptive decision aid with a QR code to Bedsider's Method Explorer, 2) the Bedsider Method Explorer with information on the full range of contraceptive methods, and 3) an online training for providers on patient-centered contraceptive counseling, including use of the decision aid to support shared decision making with adolescents. Researchers will use a rigorous experimental cluster randomized-controlled trial (RCT) design with randomization of community health centers to assess the effectiveness of Let’s Talk compared to the standard of care. The evaluation will be conducted with 1,500 adolescent patients assigned female at birth, ages 15-24 years attending 30 health centers, prioritizing those in states or counties in the United States with teen birth rates higher than the national average. Front desk staff will use appointment information to identify potentially eligible adolescents and provide a tablet with information about the study and a link to a screener to be completed in the waiting room. The intervention will be implemented in the context of a single clinic visit and follow-up surveys will be administered 2-weeks and 9-months post-intervention. 

Intervention Population of Focus: 15–24-year-olds assigned female at birth

Intervention Type (e.g., curriculum, web-based, training, other): Hard copy and digital resources

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