Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power and Potential, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and Services (TPP23 Tier 1) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $1,972,000

Program Summary

Project Name: Project Eban: Moving Beyond the Fences

Project Overview: Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power and Potential, Inc. will implement Project Eban, a culturally tailored, multi-dimensional youth development initiative that will seek to serve young black males in the counties of Clayton and Macon-Bibb in Georgia. The “Eban” is the West African Adinkran symbol for “fence.” As such, Project Eban aims to increase the fences or protective factors that promote positive male development, while keeping out (or reducing) risk factors. It does this by creating prosocial spaces that center young Black males in a host of interrelated program activities that share power, give them agency, and promote social and emotional development. Project Eban will serve 2,700 Black males ages 13-19, with special emphasis placed on youth from contexts that place them at a greater risk for poor outcomes.

Community(ies) Served: Clayton and Macon-Bibb counties, Georgia

Target Population: Young Black males aged 13-19, with special emphasis placed on youth involved with the juvenile justice system, youth in foster care, and youth struggling to maintain school engagement

Geographic Area Served (Urbanicity of Community): Atlanta, GA (Urban)

Average Anticipated Number of Youth Served Annually: 540

Contact Information

Angel Young

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