Child Trends Inc.

Bethesda, Maryland

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Rigorous Evaluation Cooperative Agreements (TPP23 Tier 2) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $1,000,000

Program Summary

Intervention Name: Parent Toolkit 2.0

Project Overview: Child Trends will conduct a randomized control trial evaluation of Parent Toolkit 2.0, an innovative intervention for parents and caregivers of middle and high school students. The Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential developed the Parent Toolkit intervention and Morehouse School of Medicine’s (MSM) Health Promotion Research Center tested and adapted it through an OPA Innovation Network grant. Child Trends will collaborate with MSM, Tressa Tucker & Associates, LLC, and Good Deeds Ministry to implement and evaluate the program with 1,000 parent-teen pairs across Georgia. The program includes three components that will be delivered across a three-week period: (1) an online self-paced Parent Guide with information, tips, tools, and resources on adolescent health, including sexual health; (2) four videos modeling parent-teen communication around sex and contraception; and (3) two group-based sessions for parent participants to discuss program content and improve communication skills. The program aims to increase parent knowledge and parent-teen communication about adolescent health, sexual health, and relationships to help youth adopt health-promoting behaviors such as reducing sexual activity and increasing contraceptive use. 

Intervention Population of Focus: Parents/Caregivers; Youth ages 10-17; Black/African American youth in rural and micropolitan settings (central, north, and southeast Georgia)

Intervention Type (e.g., curriculum, web-based, training, other): Web-based

Contact Information

Jennifer Manlove

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