
Bozeman, Montana

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and Services (TPP23 Tier 1) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $1,011,249

Program Summary

Project Name: Bridgercare Montana Youth Wellness Initiative (MYWI) + Nen ŨnkUmbi/EdaHiYedo (NE)

Project Overview: Bridgercare will implement the Montana Youth Wellness Initiative (MYWI), a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education program designed to prevent teen pregnancy. Bridgercare will also sub-contract with Montana State University-Bozeman to implement the Nen ŨnkUmbi/EdaHiYedo (NE) project on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. The MYWI/NE project will prioritize youth who are at higher risk of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as youth in rural and frontier counties, unhoused and LGBTQ2S+ youth, and American Indian adolescents. MYWI/NE will be implemented in a variety of settings, including eight schools, two community-based organizations, one group home, and one place of worship and aims to reach youth where they learn, live, worship, and play, as well as serve vulnerable youth to allow for and support trauma-informed, culturally sensitive education. This initiative will help establish a statewide network of comprehensive teen pregnancy prevention programs for high-risk adolescents in Montana. MYWI/NE will involve the community (including tribal elders where appropriate), youth, parents, and caregivers in the selection, monitoring, and adaptation of evidence-based programs throughout the project.

Community(ies) Served: In Year 1, Gallatin, Park, and Madison Counties and Fort Peck Reservation in Montana. At least three additional counties and possibly another tribal reservation community from Montana will be added in Years 2-5. 

Target Population: Youth in rural and frontier counties, unhoused, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2S+) youth, and American Indian adolescents

Geographic Area Served (Urbanicity of Community): Bozeman, MT (Rural)

Average Anticipated Number of Youth Served Annually: 1,300

Contact Information

Cami Armijo-Grover

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