Baltimore City Health Department

Baltimore, Maryland

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and Services (TPP23 Tier 1) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $1,833,960

Program Summary

Project Name: Advancing Health Equity: U Choose 3-C (U Choose)

Project Overview: The Baltimore City Health Department will implement Advancing Health Equity: U Choose 3-C (UChoose3-C), a five-year, community-wide project to advance health equity among Baltimore, MD youth. UChoose3-C will utilize advisory groups consisting of youth and community members to select appropriate evidence-based, culturally appropriate, and inclusive programs to implement with youth in clinic, classroom, and community settings. U Choose3-C will provide parents and community members with education resources that will help them support their youth and will build the capacity of youth-serving professionals to apply trauma-informed approaches and integrate a Reproductive Justice framework into their work. U Choose3-C is a collaboration of several youth-serving systems, including Title X clinics, the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Housing Authority of Baltimore City, Office of Youth and Trauma Services, and the Baltimore City Public School System. 

Community(ies) Served: 80 Baltimore City schools, eight Title X clinics and school-based health centers, and three community programs run through the Mayor’s Office.

Target Population: Black, Hispanic, and White youth aged 15-24 

Geographic Area Served (Urbanicity of Community): Baltimore, MD (Urban)

Average Anticipated Number of Youth Served Annually: 10,469

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