OPA and Office on Women’s Health Award $7.4 Million in Cooperative Agreement for Training and Technical Assistance

September 28, 2020

In July 2020, the HHS Office of Population Affairs (OPA) and the HHS Office on Women’s Health (OWH) released a joint funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for the availability of Fiscal Year 2020 funds to establish and operate a National Training Center for Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention to provide training and technical assistance to all OPA-funded Title X family planning service delivery grantees and all OPA-funded Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) grantees. OPA and OWH have awarded $7.4 million to JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. to establish and operate the Center. The cooperative agreement starts on September 30, 2020 for a five-year project period.

The newly-funded training center will provide training and technical assistance in key priority areas for:

  • Title X: service delivery, health workforce, health information and technology, contraceptive and other medical products, financial sustainability, and leadership and management;
  • OWH: initiatives to improve women’s reproductive health, including reducing maternal mortality; increasing awareness, accessibility, and quality of preconception health; and increasing fertility awareness and preventing infertility; and
  • TPP: program design, program implementation, stakeholder engagement and sustainability, communication, and evaluation.