September 28, 2020
In July 2020, the HHS Office of Population Affairs (OPA) and the HHS Office on Women’s Health (OWH) released a joint funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for the availability of Fiscal Year 2020 funds to establish and operate a National Training Center for Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention to provide training and technical assistance to all OPA-funded Title X family planning service delivery grantees and all OPA-funded Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) grantees. OPA and OWH have awarded $7.4 million to JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. to establish and operate the Center. The cooperative agreement starts on September 30, 2020 for a five-year project period.
The newly-funded training center will provide training and technical assistance in key priority areas for:
- Title X: service delivery, health workforce, health information and technology, contraceptive and other medical products, financial sustainability, and leadership and management;
- OWH: initiatives to improve women’s reproductive health, including reducing maternal mortality; increasing awareness, accessibility, and quality of preconception health; and increasing fertility awareness and preventing infertility; and
- TPP: program design, program implementation, stakeholder engagement and sustainability, communication, and evaluation.