HHS Issues $11 Million in Supplemental Funding to Support the Provision of Title X Services in Oklahoma and Tennessee

September 22, 2023

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of Population Affairs, is issuing supplemental funding today in the amount of $11.3 million to four current Title X grantees to support their provision of Title X services to residents of Oklahoma and Tennessee. 

With this supplemental funding, Missouri Family Health Council will expand into Oklahoma and Community Health Connections will increase their presence in Oklahoma. The Virginia League of Planned Parenthood and Converge will expand their programs from Virginia and Mississippi, respectively into Tennessee. 

Awardee Name Service Area Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Authorized New Federal Funds
Community Health Connection, Inc. (OK) Oklahoma $216,000
Missouri Family Health Council, Inc. Oklahoma $3,250,000
Converge Inc. (MS) Tennessee $3,931,575
Virginia League For Planned Parenthood Tennessee $3,931,576
Total   $11,329,151