Aiming for Healthy Families, Inc.

Corinth, Mississippi

Grantee Details

TPP Grantee Type: Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and Services (TPP23 Tier 1) – 2023-2028
Annual Funding: $532,415

Program Summary

Project Name: Youth RISE (Responsibility, Integrity, Self-control = Empowerment)

Project Overview: Aiming for Healthy Families, Inc. will implement evidence-based curricula focused on healthy relationships and inclusive positive youth development activities, to youth aged 14-18 in three rural counties in Mississippi. Youth RISE focuses on addressing risk factors at the youth, family, and community level and has the four key elements necessary for an effective teen pregnancy prevention program: evidence-based, community mobilization, referrals to other services, and safe and supportive environments.

The goal of the project is to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in rural communities by educating youth to refrain from engaging in risky sexual activity. The project will serve 850 youth annually and partner with five school districts. 

Community(ies) Served: Five school districts, an adolescent residential treatment center, a faith-based organization, a community mental health organization serving adolescents, and juvenile detention center/youth court in Lee, Pontotoc, and Prentiss Counties.

Target Population: Youth aged 14-18 in grades 9-12

Geographic Area Served (Urbanicity of Community): Northeast Mississippi (Rural)

Average Anticipated Number of Youth Served Annually: 850

Contact Information

Sylvia Gowen

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